Qualifying for a Mortgage When Self-Employed in Ontario

When a self-employed individual applies for a mortgage in Ontario, lenders typically look at the average income earned over the past two years. They’ll also consider your credit score, down payment, and debt-to-income ratio. Proof of income is crucial, and lenders generally require documentation such as tax returns, financial statements, and contracts.

Why Choose Enrich Mortgage Group

Navigating the mortgage landscape as a self-employed individual in Ontario can be challenging and stressful. This is where Enrich Mortgage Group can make a significant difference.

Our team of experts will guide you through the application process, advising you on how to present your financial picture in the most positive light. With a solid network of lenders, we can help find the best mortgage solution tailored to your specific circumstances. Trust Enrich Mortgage Group for an effortless and successful mortgage application journey, even as a self-employed individual.